The narratives about Brazilian natives in the world megaevents of the 21st century




Mega-events, Representation, Amerindians


International mega-events generally seek to convey a favourable narrative for the hosting nation and its people. In the case of Brazil, the organization of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics provided the country with a powerful media exposure able to retell the nation’s history within a two-year time-span. This paper sets an account on how the organizing committees of the aforementioned events represented the country’s first known inhabitants, the Amerindians, with the selection of different narratives built throughout Brazil’s intellectual history. This article uses a body of historical data to expose cultural movements and political events that lead to the understanding that part of Brazilian society as well as the aforementioned organizing committees has about Amerindians and their role in the nation’s construction.


Author Biography

  • Daniel Malanski, Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3

    Daniel Malanski holds a PhD in Cultural History from the University of Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle and in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He held a PhD at the Brazil Institute at King’s College London and was a Senior Research Assistant at City University of Hong Kong. The author has a masters degree in Communication and Media from Stockholm University and researches subjects related to modernity / coloniality, nationalism, regional identities, cultural studies and world mega-events.


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How to Cite

Malanski, D. (2019). The narratives about Brazilian natives in the world megaevents of the 21st century. Revista Extraprensa, 13(1), 208-226.