Science, journalism and health: judicialization on the agenda


  • Helena Mega niversidade de São Paulo
  • André Chaves de Melo Silva Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA/USP)



Judicialization, Health, Journalism, Social Communication, Science


This article aims to understand how journalism contributes to the debate about the judicialization of health in Brazil. The analysis starts from the coverage made by Folha de S.Paulo (Folha) and O Estado de S. Paulo (Estadão) between July and December 2016. Data collection showed a group of publications distributed across different sections of the newspapers. Folha stood out for presenting more diversity of approaches and formats for the articles. The content of the articles showed that both newspapers were aware of the discussions about the judicialization of health inside the Brazilian Supreme Court and of the opinions of different specialists about the theme, frequently defending the authority expressed by Brazilian scientific organizations.


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Author Biographies

  • Helena Mega, niversidade de São Paulo

    Graduated in Social Communication, majoring in Journalism, she developed a Scientific Initiation research between 2017 and 2018, at the School of Communications and Arts (ECA) of the University of São Paulo (USP).

  • André Chaves de Melo Silva, Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA/USP)

    Lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Publishing (CJE), School of Communications and Arts (ECA), University of São Paulo. Graduated in Social Communication, Degree in Journalism (Bachelor) from the Faculty of Social Communication "Cásper Líbero" (1996), in History (Bachelor and Degree) from the University of São Paulo (1998), Masters and Doctorate in Education from the University of São Paulo (2005 and 2010). Works on the following subjects: Scientific Journalism, Scientific Dissemination, Scientific Communication, Education, History, History Teaching, Motion Pictures (Film and Television), Ethnography and Power Relations.


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How to Cite

Mega, H., & Silva, A. C. de M. (2019). Science, journalism and health: judicialization on the agenda. Revista Extraprensa, 13(1), 277-291.