Being together, doing together and going forward together: echoes from France’s cultural third places in times of covid-19


  • Matina Magkou University of Cote d’Azur
  • Maud Pélissier University of Toulon



Cultural third places, Creative hubs, COVID-19, France


In France, as in many other countries, cultural production and management practices are facing numerous transformations. Being understood as experimental; intermediary cultural spaces that redefine the relationship of culture with the public and the local territory, cultural third places provide a vivid example of this changing reality. Before the current health crisis, the social role of these constructs in regard to the local context were made even more visible. On a first level, this article aims to present the uniqueness of those spaces in the French context. Secondly, it describes the preliminary results of an exploratory study analyzing the reactions and adjustments to working dynamics of a number of spaces in the PACA region, in France, during the first months of the pandemic. Finally, we propose further lines of research.


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Author Biographies

  • Matina Magkou, University of Cote d’Azur

    Post-doc researcher at the SIC.Lab Méditerranée of the University of Côte d’Azur. Phd in Leisure and Human Development, specialization Culture and Cultural Management. Her research focuses on cultural policies, international cultural cooperation, digital transformation of cultural organizations and creative hubs.

  • Maud Pélissier, University of Toulon

    Phd in economics by the Université Aix Marseille. Senior lecturer and researcher in the field of information and communication at the University of Toulon, in the laboratory of IMSIC Toulon. Her research is focused on digital economy, and more especially on cultural commons in the digital ecosystem, innovation, and competitive territorial intelligence.


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Dossiê: Gestão cultural para a próxima década

How to Cite

Magkou, M. ., & Pélissier, M. (2021). Being together, doing together and going forward together: echoes from France’s cultural third places in times of covid-19. Revista Extraprensa, 14(2), 327-343.