Black perspectives that enunciate voices and educate: Hip-Hop feminism, the politics of survival and empowerment in the favela


  • Cristiane Correia Dias Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas



Feminismo hip-hop, Pedagogía hip-hop, Pensamiento de las mujeres negras, Mujer de favela, Educación antirracista


Faced with the difficulties found in the current educational system, we will sow seeds for a new future, highlighting the potential of a living education, between life, art and knowledge, present in the favela, as a body-territory that has been reconfigured by the young women's movement and its new languages. Hip-Hop (USA), Funk (Brazil) and Slam (USA) are sociocultural, political and educational movements that have contributed to the refavela movement. The idea is to decode the grammar of these movements, proposing a reading of these new times in order to contribute with a new lexicon (Cf. SILVA, 2018), to be traced from the struggle of black women in the face of transmuting historical and sexual oppression through art, to analyze to what extent the emancipated search for the voice, with its dynamics and nuances, subverts the current modus operandi, which are imbricated in the intersection between the politics of survival, self-definition and the politics of empowerment.


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Author Biography

  • Cristiane Correia Dias, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Faced with the difficulties found in the current educational system, we will
    sow seeds for a new future, highlighting the potential of a living education,
    between life, art and knowledge, present in the favela, as a body-territory that
    has been reconfigured by the young women’s movement and its new languages.
    Hip-Hop (USA), Funk (Brazil) and Slam (USA) are sociocultural, political and
    educational movements that have contributed to the refavela movement. The
    idea is to decode the grammar of these movements, proposing a reading of these
    new times in order to contribute with a new lexicon (Cf. SILVA, 2018), to be
    traced from the struggle of black women in the face of transmuting historical
    and sexual oppression through art, to analyze to what extent the emancipated
    search for the voice, with its dynamics and nuances, subverts the current
    modus operandi, which are imbricated in the intersection between the politics
    of survival, self-definition and the politics of empowerment.


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Websites consultados

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How to Cite

Dias, C. C. . (2022). Black perspectives that enunciate voices and educate: Hip-Hop feminism, the politics of survival and empowerment in the favela. Revista Extraprensa, 15(Especial), 702-720.