The digital narratives of black female and racial ethnic movements in the fight against the colonial matrix of power


  • Lúcia Maria de Souza Félix Universidade do Vale do Paraiba
  • Fabiana Félix do Amaral e Silva University of Vale do Paraiba



Black movements, Colonial power matrix, Structural racism, Social networks, Resistance


The Colonial Power Matrix (MCP) was one of the strategies used to enslave Africans in the Americas. For example, in Brazil, they were enslaved, where they carried out structural racism (Almeida, 2020). Therefore, the Brazilian black population, fought a permanent battle in its trajectory of struggles and resistance, (Gomes, 2011) to conquer its democratic participation in the country, using popular education in the beginning of the 21st century, as one of the alternatives to denounce in the physical territories of the cities, of the four domains proposed by (Quijano, 1997), however, with the pandemic in Brazil in (March/2019), denunciations started to be carried out on social networks. This work started from a bibliographic and netnography survey (Kozinets, 1996), where it mapped the actions of popular education on (facebook) of the black social movements of São José dos Campos - SP, in the period from 2019 to 2021, which fight against the structural racism practiced in the country.


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Author Biographies

  • Lúcia Maria de Souza Félix, Universidade do Vale do Paraiba

    Graduated in Social Sciences - Integrated Colleges of São José dos Campos (1986). Elementary School Teacher - Final years. Has experience in the field of Education, with emphasis
    in Teaching-Learning, graduating from the Architecture and Urbanism Course at the University of Vale do Paraíba.

  • Fabiana Félix do Amaral e Silva, University of Vale do Paraiba

    Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (1999) and
    Master (2006) and Doctorate (2011) in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo.
    Post-doctorate in the Social Change and Political Participation Program at EACH-USP. postdoctoral
    of PLUR-UNIVAP. She is currently a Professor and Researcher of the Program in Planning
    Urban and Regional - PLUR-UNIVAP, in Master's and Doctoral courses. researcher and teacher
    collaborator of the Center for Latin American Studies on Culture and Communication - CELACC/ECA-


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Vista no site

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How to Cite

Félix, L. M. de S., & Amaral e Silva, F. F. do. (2022). The digital narratives of black female and racial ethnic movements in the fight against the colonial matrix of power. Revista Extraprensa, 15(Especial), 867-884.