Europe, the media and the war in Ukraine: “our refugees are better than the others”


  • Cláudio Abdo Universidade do Minho



War in Europe, Refugees, Migration crisis, Media, Double standard


This article looks at the media coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war and how a double standard can easily be perceived in journalism. The narrative review was used as a methodology, providing the perception, from the author’s point of view, of a situation around the conflict in Europe and of how communication professionals treat refugees from Ukrainia and those who are in the European continent differently from refugees who are in countries of the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa. The publications in newspapers, news websites, and videos referred to in the text show that the media uses double standards in the coverage of the war in Ukraine and that this can have a significant impact on the perception that citizens have of the conflict and, consequently, in the formation of public opinion on the subject.


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Author Biography

  • Cláudio Abdo, Universidade do Minho

    Associate Researcher at CECS at the University of Minho (Braga/Portugal). PhD in Communication Studies from the Universities of Minho (UM), Beira Interior (UBI), Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa and Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE). Master (UMinho) and communication specialist (PUC/PR/Brazil).


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How to Cite

Abdo, C. (2022). Europe, the media and the war in Ukraine: “our refugees are better than the others”. Revista Extraprensa, 15(2), 230-248.