Rupi Kaur: poetic creation amid the affordances of the Instagram platform
Instapoetry, Rupi Kaur, Digital Platforms, AffordancesAbstract
Based on the what is known as instapoetry — a phenomenon composed of poets who invest in Instagram to produce literature — this study (which belongs to a master’s thesis at Federal University of Minas Gerais) has as its central objective to analyze the poetic creation of the artist Rupi Kaur by considering her relationship with the affordances of the platform. Interested in the dynamics that involve the appropriate uses foreseen by the social media and its appropriation for literary purposes, we draw an investigative line by theoretically reviewing concepts such as instapoetry and affordance, along with the follow-up of Kaur’s posts from January to February 2022. Overall, we hope to see how the logic that influences other relations on Instagram affects the work of digital poets.
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