Olhando a América Latina: a relação centro-periferia nas feiras de arte


  • Sylvia Werneck Programa de Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Estética e História da Arte




Latin America, Art fairs, Civilization, Periphery


Globalization favors the interchange between different places. In visual arts, shows and fairs tend to shelter the production of more countries, whereas the critique approaches works by artists who were not previously part of the “cultural map” of the so-called civilized world, that is, the more developed countries.
At the same time, the way the critique sees such production varies according to several factors, among which the origin of authors. Thus, while dealing with the same topic – in this case Latin American art -, critics from “central” countries tend to adopt a position permeated by fascination before what they consider to be exotic, even primitive. “Peripheral” critics struggle to prove that their countries’ art is universal. However, at international fairs, due to financial interests, those poles assume a different position, more similar to one another.




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Author Biography

  • Sylvia Werneck, Programa de Pós-Graduação Interunidades em Estética e História da Arte
    Mestre em Estética e História da Arte pelo PGEHA-USP e doutoranda em Integração a América Latina pelo PROLAM-USP



How to Cite

Werneck, S. (2010). Olhando a América Latina: a relação centro-periferia nas feiras de arte. Revista Extraprensa, 3(3), 141-152. https://doi.org/10.11606/extraprensa2010.77156