Cinema e branding global: análise do lançamento do filme “Alice no país das maravilhas”


  • Aryovaldo de Castro Azevedo Junior Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Fábio Caim Viana



Globalization, Communication, Advertising, Aesthetics, Semiotics


The spread of international values is responsible for the proximity on contemporary social behavior, creating an integrated global network, through the valuation of a common culture, spread by mass communication, defined here as globalization.
Globalization not only as a culture, but also as a process, is the main factor in the spread of behavior and consumption habits, continuously internationalized. Such consuming habits are the key factor on the markets expansion for global organizations, especially in the focus of this article, for the entertainment film industry.
Another aim is to examine the aesthetics of advertising and its use to promote the consumption of cultural products. Promotional materials and communication pieces of films, specifically the release of the film “Alice in Wonderland”, can replicate common understandings in the international market from the perspective of an inclusive global culture of common values to the westernized culture.




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Author Biographies

  • Aryovaldo de Castro Azevedo Junior, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
    Professor adjunto do curso de Comunicação Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Fábio Caim Viana
    Professor do curso de Publicidade e Propaganda da Uninove



How to Cite

Azevedo Junior, A. de C., & Viana, F. C. (2010). Cinema e branding global: análise do lançamento do filme “Alice no país das maravilhas”. Revista Extraprensa, 3(3), 788-807.