A presença de práticas midiáticas e virtuais no contexto da cultura indígena Guarani Mbya
Virtual Culture, Guarani Mbya, Cultural identity, Indigenous mediaAbstract
Through a reflexive analysis on The Guarani Mbya traditions one can perceive the richness of symbols that keep occurring and project themselves as significant features of the post modern culture. In the village of Tekoa Pyau, situated by the Jaraguá Peak in the outskirts of the São Paulo city, a Guarani community cultivates its expressive cultural traditions through personal conviction and cultural commitment. In the last five years alongside the State School and the Center of Cultural and Indigenous Education, several influences has been linked to the presence of the virtual culture and became routine among the social context. In a particular way the analysis of the Machuca Project has become a focus of interest because it encompass the older and the younger leadership on the creation of an indigenous radio station. The communication goal is to present the current mediatic resources and the virtual culture within the community life. The analysis deals with the different levels of ordination of the cultural identity according to Stuart Hall, Dennys Cuché and Nestor Canclini. The exposition uses visual presentations about the village and the productions present in the virtual culture.
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