Pensamento latino-americano e a imprensa alternativa: relações com o jornal lampião da esquina


  • Muriel Emídio Pessoa do Amaral Universidade Estadual Paulista/Bauru; Universidade Norte do Paraná



Communication, Lampião da esquina, Press, Latino-Americano


The Latin American thought communicational reflected in several countries of the continental references creating and establishing new ways of doing and thinking of communication. There are several contributions of writers of this school for the development of the alternative press, also known as plantain press. This aspect of the Brazilian press was a mechanism adopted to face while mitigating the influences of power structures related to communication, the same as one of the channels was created to provide recognition of the citizenship of individuals considered "minorities" social. With literature review and analysis of the editorial, this study aims to examine the relationship of Latin American communication thought to confront power with the newspaper clipping Lampião da Esquina, a communication vehicle aimed important to recognize the social role of homosexuals among years 1978 and 1981.


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Author Biography

  • Muriel Emídio Pessoa do Amaral, Universidade Estadual Paulista/Bauru; Universidade Norte do Paraná
    Mestre pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp/Bauru) Professor do curso de Comunicação Social (Jornalismo e Publicidade/Propaganda) da Universidade Norte do Paraná (Unopar)



How to Cite

Amaral, M. E. P. do. (2014). Pensamento latino-americano e a imprensa alternativa: relações com o jornal lampião da esquina. Revista Extraprensa, 7(2), 26-33.