The pedagogical dimension of Black Cinema: the positive affirmation image of the Iberian-Asian-Afro-Amerindian


  • Celso Luiz Prudente Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso



Pedagogical Aspect, Black Cinema, Racial & Ethnic, Iberian-Asian-African- Amerindian, Euro-hetero-male-authoritarian


The image of black individuals is a matter of racial and ethnic relations. The pedagogical aspect of black cinema has established an image of positive affirmation of Africanity. The Brazilian black man was constituted as a major minority. In the age of information, proper to the Technological Revolution, the abstract relations of representation are more important than the concrete relations of facts. The image became fundamental for the Afro-Brazilians since class struggles were projected into image struggles. The nomos foreign to the Eurocentric cultures are victims of the disarticulation of their epistemic traits, justifying the European colonization. The pedagogical aspect was constructed in the ontological struggle of the image of horizontality of the Iberian-Asian-African-Amerindian against the verticality of the Euro-hetero-male-authoritarian and its Euroheteronormativity.


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Author Biography

  • Celso Luiz Prudente, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso

    PhD in Culture from the University of São Paulo. Post-Doctorate in Linguistics from the Institute of Language Studies - IEL / UNICAMP. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. Anthropologist, Filmmaker. Curator of the International Exhibition of Black Cinema.


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How to Cite

Prudente, C. L. (2019). The pedagogical dimension of Black Cinema: the positive affirmation image of the Iberian-Asian-Afro-Amerindian. Revista Extraprensa, 13(1), 6-25.