
Discourses in and about Latin America


Since the arrival of Europeans on the continent they began to call America, in 1492, this part of the globe has been the target of countless interpretations that aimed to construct the specificities of the people, flora and fauna existing here, under the aegis of the exploratory system. European colonial. From the independence processes that took place in the 19th century, such specificities were rethought by the Eurocentric Creole elites, with a view to the formation and legitimization of their respective national states. In the 20th century, marked by intense ideological cleavages, Latin Americans once again sought to reformulate the bases of the political pacts responsible for maintaining the “imagined communities” created by nationalism since emancipation from the Europeans.
Bearing in mind these and other layers of time and historical meanings, the call for the next Extraprensa Magazine Dossier will focus on the communication strategies employed by the most different social agents, such as: political party leaders, representatives of social movements, collectives of minority groups, intellectuals, with a view to forming an ideology about Latin America, capable of explaining its singularities compared to other peoples and continents. In short, what is left of the idea of nationalism responsible for the creation of Latin American identities? How to (re)think Latin America and its discourses about itself based on what is common and different to us at the same time?
We invite researchers, students and the entire academic and scientific community in Brazil and Latin America to send their articles, essays and ongoing research on the proposed topic.

Deadlines and Contact
Articles, with a maximum of 20 pages, following Extraprensa's editorial standards (, must be sent in Word format to: https://www.revistas 

Submissions extended until June 30, 2024

More information:

Read more about Discourses in and about Latin America

Current Issue

Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): Southern Digital Ecologies
					View Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): Southern Digital Ecologies

This Extraprensa Magazine Dossier relates to themes of responsible communication, management and innovation, digital humanities, new forms of solution design, as well as diverse areas that connect to complexity, in the face of new approaches that reflect and help the sustainable development objectives, combined today with a digital one that also requires new epistemologies and ecologies to maintain the 2030 Agenda of the 17 SDGs addressed by the UN, maintain the common good and reduce the damage from drastic socio-environmental impacts.

Published: 2023-05-29
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