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Author Guidelines

The journal Philosophy and History of Biology accepts unpublished manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish or English, publishing articles originating from original research concerning the philosophy and / or history of biology and its epistemic interfaces, such as history and philosophy of biology and scientific education.

The number of weeks between submission and publication is on average 20 weeks.


Peer review

All submitted works will be sent for analysis by two referees using the double-blind system. In case of divergence between the opinions, the work will be analysed by a third referee.

All submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and /or Associate Editors for merit and scientific contribution. Then, the manuscripts are sent to reviewers specialized in the subject.

Philosophy and History of Biology works with invited ad hoc reviewers from several national and international institutions. The appointment of an ad hoc referee to evaluate an article follows the criterion of being an expert in the subject of the paper under evaluation.

The journal assumes as its policy the opening to the participation of authors outside the publishing institution, avoiding endogeny.

The analysis of the originals will consider: (1) thematic relevance of the article; (2) compliance with the rules presented here; (3) originality and depth of the research; (4) the writing of the work.

Submitted papers can be accepted, rejected, or accepted conditionally. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the final decision based on the recommendations made by the referees. 

Authors are entitled to appeal to the decision when they disagree with it, in which case a new member of the Editorial Committee will be consulted and will emit a final opinion.

Instruction for authors 

 The presentation of the originals will be carried out through the electronic submission system. Before submitting the original texts, new authors must register at the electronic address

After filling in all the information indicated with an asterisk, the new user must check the option “Register as Author: You can submit to the magazine” at the end of the form.

Articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English are accepted for publication in Philosophy and History of Biology. The submitted articles must contain an Abstract and Keywords in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Abstracts can not surpass 200 words long and about five keywords must be indicated that identify the work. The keywords, separated by periods and with capital letters, must specify the theme of the article and the broad sub-areas in which it fits (for example: Philosophy of Genetics. Charles Darwin.).

Articles must have a maximum of 6,000 words (including footnotes) and must be copied or typed directly into the ABFHiB model Word fileTemplate-Phil-Hist-Biol-ENG.doc, which is available here.

The illustrations must be provided in the form of high resolution files, with clear images and suitable for reproduction. They must be accompanied by captions and an indications of their source. Authors should provide only images that are allowed to be reproduced (for example, that are in the public domain).


References with specific information (paraphrases) to the works consulted must be fully included in the body of the text. That is: (Last name, Year, p. xx) or (Last name, [year of original work] Year, pp. x-y).

The Last name and year of the consulted work must appear only if the reference refers to the work as a whole. That is: (Last name, Year).

Bibliographic references must appear in a list placed at the end of the paper, in alphabetical and chronological order. They must follow the rules of the ABFHiB model Word file and must be complete – i. e., the initial and final pages of papers and book chapters, names of translators of works, city and publisher of book publication, etc. Authors' names must be provided in full and not using initials. Journal titles must be provided in full and not abbreviated.

All authors must be cited.

For example:


LAST NAME, First names. Book title in italics. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year.


LAST NAME, First names. Title of the book's chapter. Pp: xx-xx, in: LAST NAME, Organizer name (Org.). Book title in italics: non-italicized subtitle. Translation. Edition. City: Publisher, year.


LAST NAME, First names. Title of the article. Journal title in italics, without abbreviation. City [in case of need], v. (n): p. xx-xx, month [if necessary], year.


LAST NAME, First names. Title of the article. Journal title in italics, without abbreviation. City [in case of need], v. (n): p. x-y, month [if necessary], year. DOI: http://www.blablabla/0001 or Available at: Accessed on: 15 Feb. 2021.


LAST NAME, First names.  Title of the work in italics. City, Year. Dissertation (Masters in History of Science). University name.

The model provided by ABFHiB provides more information on how to present bibliographical references and to mention them in the body of the text. See also recent issues of the journal, for examples of bibliographical references.

!!! Each journal has its rules. Philosophy and History of Biology is no exception. Authors who do not strictly follow the model used by Philosophy and History of Biology will be asked to adapt their originals to the journal's rules and to complete information when applicable. This can result in a delay in publishing the paper.

It's important to highlight:The editors will take the necessary measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles where there is research misconduct or ethical violations, including: plagiarism, citation manipulation and falsification / fabrication of data, absence of relevant authorizations, discrimination, among others. The situations and allegations that come to the attention of editors and reviewers will be taken to the Editorial Committee, which will take appropriate measures, including referral to higher levels of the University, if necessary.

Code of ethics 

 Studies involving human or animals must be approved by the Ethics Council of the institution where the research was carried out and the project must be submitted to Plataforma Brasil, informing the number of corresponding protocols. In addition, papers must follow ethical precepts of scientific research, in accordance with national and / or international protocols .


Acknowledgments to institutions or agencies that promote research must be accompanied by the process number and precede personal acknowledgments. They should not be inserted in footnotes. Acknowledgments for the collaboration of colleagues and reviewers, as well as mention of the origin of an article (for example: theses) must be indicated in the Acknowledgments section. In the case of co-authored articles in which the authors' contributions are different, they must also be mentioned in the same section.

Conflict of interest

When there is a relationship between the authors and any public or private entity from which a conflict of interest may arise, this possibility must be communicated and will be informed at the end of the article.


To send a message to the journal Philosophy and History of Biology, use the e-mail:

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The manuscript must follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Word file "ABFHiB model", available in the "Instruction for authors" section.
  • Paragraphs must be in the “Normal” style, with Garamond font, size 11, single spacing between lines; uses italics instead of underlining; figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • Footnotes should be used for comments only and not for simple bibliographic references.
  • The submission file is compatible with a Microsoft Word format.
  • The following data regarding the identification of the author(s) are mandatory: - Name - Last name - Email - Orcid ID
  • When submitting a manuscript to to a peer-reviewed section (ex.: articles), the text must not contain any information that can identify the author of the text.


Política padrão de seção


Política padrão de seção

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.