The philosophy of evolution in The ecology of freedom: potentialities and precautions for biology teaching and environmental education




Philosophy of evolution , Murray Bookchin, Anarchism , Social ecology , Biology teaching


The theory of biological evolution is one of the interdisciplinary bases required to address emerging environmental issues better. This article aims to understand and explain the philosophical readings about organic evolution expressed in Murray Bookchin’s The ecology of freedom published in 1982. The book had a substantial impact on militancy movements providing an academic discussion of environmentalism. Besides that, it provided the basis of the social ecology. The article presents an analysis of the book developed from the “evolution” record unit, which allowed the coding into categories and the explanation of data and making inferences about the object studied. The analysis shows that the author builds philosophical keys for the understanding of biological evolution by making considerations about the place of the human being in it. The categories “hierarchy” and “teleology” explain the philosophical components of educational actions. They also show issues related to naturalized anthropomorphization of nature and make suggestions of environmental themes based on the interdependence among living beings. The elements and connections present in the book point out to paths for better inclusion of social ecology in the educational sphere with a philosophical proposal about biological evolution bringing together natural and social aspects of ecology.


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How to Cite

VALDANHA NETO, Diógenes. The philosophy of evolution in The ecology of freedom: potentialities and precautions for biology teaching and environmental education. Filosofia e História da Biologia , São Paulo, Brasil, v. 15, n. 1, p. 21–39, 2020. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2178-6224v15i1p21-39. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.