On a naturalized way of understanding Immanuel Kant ́s philosophy of history: Epigenesis and universal history


  • Natalia Lerussi Universidad de Buenos Aires




Kant, universal history, natural dispositions, epigenesist.


In the paper I show that universal history´s conceptual matrix that I. Kant uses in his Idea of an Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View is the same by which the philosopher explains the production of variations in the organic beings in natural history, the epigenesis theory (according to the sections §§80 y 81 of the Critique of the Power of Judgment). Consequently I defend a naturalized conception of Kant´s philosophy of history.



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KANT, I. Kants gesammelte Werke. Berlín: Preussische/Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1902ss.

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How to Cite

Lerussi, N. (2015). On a naturalized way of understanding Immanuel Kant ́s philosophy of history: Epigenesis and universal history. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 20(1), 93-105. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2318-9800.v20i1p93-105