Anthropological imagination: conjectural knowledge and teleology in Kant's writings on races


  • Leonardo Rennó Santos Universidade de Campinas



imagination, physical geography, anthropology, natural history, Weltkenntnis


The objective of this study is to comprehend the specification of a suitable method for Natural History as seen on Kant's famous essays on race, based on the debate regarding the faculty of imagination carried out in Lectures on Anthropology. We seek to pinpoint the way in which Physical Geography and Anthropology articulated within Weltkenntnis as seen in Kant's investigations on the nature of human faculties.


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How to Cite

Santos, L. R. (2016). Anthropological imagination: conjectural knowledge and teleology in Kant’s writings on races. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 21(2), 61-78.