How to continue what begins: the revolutionary triple aporia


  • Etienne Tassin Université Paris VII Diderot



Arendt, beginning, principle, revolution, defeat, aporia.


One can only fully understands the experience of foundation, which directs the revolutionary actions, when an ineluctable aspect of it is taken for granted: the defeat. According to Arendt’s On Revolution (1963), once the political and religious traditions that erstwhile grounded political enterprises are lost, the remaining feature is only beginning itself, considered as the principle and the legacy to be preserved and continued in acts of foundation. Therefore, it arises the modern aporia which deals with the way to accomplish an experience of trying to rely its permanence by beginning the new.


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How to Cite

Tassin, E. (2016). How to continue what begins: the revolutionary triple aporia. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 21(3), 111-122.