Language, Drive and Atavism: Genetic Analysis and Conceptual Mapping around the Problem of the Unconscious in Nietzsche and its Relation to the Transcendental


  • William Mattioli Universidade Federal Fluminense



unconscious, drive, language, atavism, a priori.


The aim of the present paper is to sketch an analysis of the development of Nietzsche's notion of the unconscious in important moments of his thought. Our general argument revolves around two hypotheses with which we intend to present a reading that runs counter to the common view that Nietzsche belongs to the irrationalist tradition of the unconscious, which has Schopenhauer as its most emblematic representative: (1) a historical hypothesis that intends to insert Nietzsche into the tradition of the cognitive unconscious based on the notion of "unconscious representation"; and (2) a genetic-systematic hypothesis, which intends to sketch a plan of understanding vis-à-vis the development of his conception of the unconscious, distinguishing and mapping some notions throughout his intellectual production.


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How to Cite

Mattioli, W. (2017). Language, Drive and Atavism: Genetic Analysis and Conceptual Mapping around the Problem of the Unconscious in Nietzsche and its Relation to the Transcendental. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 22(1), 71-98.