Criticize and obey versus gag and disobedience: critiques of Kant to Hobbes


  • Delamar Volpato Dutra Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Hobbes, Kant, freedom of expression


The text compares Hobbes's and Kant's views on freedom of expression. Hobbes feared for the destabilizing effects of such freedom, whereas Kant defined it as the most innocent of the liberties, therefore, Kant can mobilize it against certain acts of the sovereign, because of its innocence. The expression of thoughts would be no more than an appeal to the sovereign to reform the law. The text further emphasizes that the reasons for Hobbes to defend censorship are of public order and not the wandering of forbidden doctrines.


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How to Cite

Dutra, D. V. (2017). Criticize and obey versus gag and disobedience: critiques of Kant to Hobbes. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 22(4), 43-61.