Critique of the Left, Critique of Reason - An Overview on Horkheimer's Thought in the 1940s


  • Luiz Sérgio Repa Universidade de São Paulo/CEBRAP



esquerda, razão, Teoria Crítica, capitalismo de Estado, dominação, Esclarecimento


In order to delineate an overview of Horkheimer's thought in the 1940s, two theses are defended: firstly, it is intended to support the idea that the critique of reason, which marks this period, is ultimately due to a critique of the left, as developed in the essay “Authoritarian State”. The second thesis, in turn, states that the critique of reason takes two paths in Horkheimer's work, in two almost simultaneous books: Dialectic of Enlightenment, in partnership with Th. W. Adorno, and Eclipse of Reason. The first work represents a way that can be called "Nietzschean", characterized by the identity between reason and domination. The second work, in turn, shows a "Kantian" way, which must deal in modernity with the conflict between subjective reason and objective reason.


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How to Cite

Repa, L. S. (2017). Critique of the Left, Critique of Reason - An Overview on Horkheimer’s Thought in the 1940s. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 22(2), 93-109.