Crises and transformations of capitalism – Friedrich Pollock’s epochal diagnosis


  • Fernando Rugitsky Universidade de São Paulo



Pollock, critical theory, relations of production, productive forces, state capitalism


The paper examines the shifts in Friedrich Pollock’s interpretation about the inherent tendencies of transformation of capitalism after the crisis of 1929 and about the prospects for emancipation. The focus lies on two papers from the early 1930s and on the famous “State capitalism: its possibilities and limitations,” from 1941. His interpretation is read in the historical context of the period and in light of the contemporaneous debate within Frankfurt’s Institute for Social Research. The goal is to deepen the understanding about the interpretation provided in the 1941 paper, indicating similarities and differences with those formulated in the early 1930s.


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a) Textos de Friedrich Pollock

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___________. (1932/1973). “La situazione attuale del capitalismo e le prospettive di un riordinamento pianificato dell’economia”. In: Teoria e prassi dell’economia di piano: antologia degli scritti (1928-1941). Organização de Giacomo Marramao. Bari: De Donato, pp.85-108.

___________. (1933/1973). “Osservazioni sulla crisi economica”. In: Teoria e prassi dell’economia di piano: antologia degli scritti (1928-1941). Organização de Giacomo Marramao. Bari: De Donato, pp.135-172.

___________. (1940). Influences of preparedness on Western European economic life. The American Economic Review, 30(1), parte 2, março, pp.317-325.

___________. (1941a). State capitalism: its possibilities and limitations. Studies in Philosophy and Social Science, IX(2), Nova York, The Institute of Social Research, pp.200-225. [republicado em Arato, A., Gebhardt, E. (orgs.) (1982). The essential Frankfurt School reader. Nova York: Continuum, pp.71-94].

___________. (1941b). Is National Socialism a new order? Studies in Philosophy and Social Science, IX(3), Nova York, The Institute of Social Research, pp.440-455.

___________. (1956/1957). The economic and social consequences of automation. Translated by W. O. Henderson e W. H. Chaloner. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Pollock, F. e Mandelbaum, K. (1936/1973). “La revisione keynesiana del liberalismo economico”. In: Teoria e prassi dell’economia di piano: antologia degli scritti (1928-1941). Organização de Giacomo Marramao. Bari: De Donato, pp.173-198.

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How to Cite

Rugitsky, F. (2017). Crises and transformations of capitalism – Friedrich Pollock’s epochal diagnosis. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 22(2), 111-134.