The money of spirit: idealism and the critique of political economy in the young Marx


  • Bruno Klein Serrano Universidade de São Paulo



Marx, critique of political economy, idealism, dialectics


The aim of the article is to present an interpretation of the theoretical status of the critique of political economy of the young Marx. For this, it privileges the so-called Economic-philosophical manuscripts and Excerpts from the James Mill’s Book “Éléments d’économie politique”. In this context, this article seeks to clarify the mutually constitutive relation that Marx saw between political economy, Hegel’s idealism and the capitalist society. It is sustained the idea that this relation defines the general theoretical meaning of the author’s project of critique of political economy, as well as the notions of critique and dialectics employed there.


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How to Cite

Serrano, B. K. (2018). The money of spirit: idealism and the critique of political economy in the young Marx. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 23(1), 79-94.