Theory of modernity and aesthetic form in Walter Benjamin’s distinction between tragedy and Trauerspiel


  • Mariela Silvana Vargas Universidad Nacional de Salta



modernity, secularization, Walter Benjamin, Trauerspiel, tragedy


The aim of this work is to show that Walter Benjamin’s distinction between tragedy and Trauerspiel contains not only an interpretation of the particularities of each dramatic form, but that the distinction itself constitutes one the fundaments of his theory of modernity. Through a comparison between Benjamin’s theory of tragedy,  the reflection on tragedy from romantics and from the beginning of 20th century, it will be analyzed how the concepts of modernity and tragedy are systematically intertwined in Benjamin’s work, both from a genealogical and from a systematic point of view.


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How to Cite

Vargas, M. S. (2018). Theory of modernity and aesthetic form in Walter Benjamin’s distinction between tragedy and Trauerspiel. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 23(1), 95-106.