My Path to Heidegger. Or: Metaphysics and the Appeal of the Question of Being
Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, metaphysics, ontologyAbstract
This paper traces a path of research in German philosophy, which passes by Kant, Nietzsche and, after a deviation through the controversy between Habermas and Dieter Henrich in the 1980s, ends in Heidegger. The focus of the reflection is the question of metaphysics, or, more specifically, how the problem of metaphysics is faced by each of these authors. If, in Kant, metaphysics ceases to be a discourse on objects and starts to deal with ideas (which in any case may still be objects of belief), in Nietzsche it would be, as cosmology, conceived in opposition to the Christian worldview, but also without affirming objects. The issue is taken up again in the contemporary scene by Dieter Henrich, who contrasts with the Habermasian idea of a post-metaphysical thought and points to the need to revive the field of metaphysics, in line with what some authors have done in the twentieth century - notably Martin Heidegger, for whom ontology demands a new language, capable of expressing being as such.
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