Education towards Weakness? Selbstaufhebung and You in Novalis' Study of Fichte


  • Giovanni Panno Universität Tübingen



Novalis, Fichte, Fichte-Studien, You, formation, imagination


Novalis develops the Fichtean ideas of dialectic between I and Not-I showing a micro-macrocosmic relation between I and World. Education of I corresponds here to forming of I within the World. This paper applies the category of weakness to describe the new necessary position of I as a movement outside itself (Selbstentäußerung): this would allow the world to be world as such without being only a product of I. The paper shows further that the same mechanism of weakness is at work in a political (Glaube und Liebe) and historical context (Die Christenheit oder Europa).


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Fuentes primarias

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How to Cite

Panno, G. (2020). Education towards Weakness? Selbstaufhebung and You in Novalis’ Study of Fichte. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(2), 137-153.