Undoing Recognition? Beyond negative and positive conceptions of intersubjectivity


  • Ingrid Cyfer Universidade Federal de São Paulo




Recognition, Judith Butler, Ambivalence


The purpose of this article is to discuss how Judith Butler’s late work challenges the distinction between positive and negative theories of intersubjectivity, as proposed by Rahel Jaeggi. The main hypothesis here is that this challenge has to do with her approach to ambivalence since mid-2000s, including her debate with Axel Honneth, which offers a key contribution to contemporary critical theory to diagnose social pathologies and search for emancipatory potentials in times of deep and violent polarization.


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Articles - Special Edition - Axel Honneth

How to Cite

Cyfer, I. (2020). Undoing Recognition? Beyond negative and positive conceptions of intersubjectivity. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(3), 59-74. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2318-9800.v25i3p59-74