About the topicality of Fichte and his idea of an education for freedom


  • Virginia López-Domínguez Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Fichte, Education, Freedom, Scholar, University


As Fichte preferred to avoid violent revolutions and defended progressive social transformations, his system of Philosophy resulted in an education for freedom, which goal was to form responsible, free and creative citizens, committed to the truth. This paper shows which are the foundations of that education, already in the times of Jena, focuses on the principles developed by him during the maturity period (particularly in the Aphorisms on education or The essence of the Scholar), and confronts them with the actual pedagogic situation at schools and Universities.


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How to Cite

López-Domínguez, V. (2020). About the topicality of Fichte and his idea of an education for freedom. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(2), 105-120. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2318-9800.v25i2p105-120