The truth beyond the ground. K.L. Reinhold’s rational realism


  • Federico Ferraguto Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná



Reinhold, Realism, Transcendental philosophy, Truth, Tought


The paper aims to highlight the specificity of the rational Realism proposed by K.L. Reinhold in the Contributions from 1801-1803 and aims to compare this position with the idea of Ground presented in the writing On the Ground of philosophical knowledge (1791). The paper discusses Reinhold’s criticisms to Kant’s critical philosophy (§ 1), Reinholdian (self)criticism of the concept of foundation of philosophy as the principle of conscience (§ 2) in the light of a new concept of truth, announced by the principle of identity (§ 3-5), and investigates the relationship between thought and truth that characterizes rational realism, with the aim of highlighting the originality of Reinhold’s position with regard to the possible consequences of the transcendental position (§ 6).


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How to Cite

Ferraguto, F. (2020). The truth beyond the ground. K.L. Reinhold’s rational realism. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(4), 41-58.