The posited and the presupposed: Ruy Fausto and the Idea of Immanent Critique in Marx
Immanent critique, Position, Presupposition, Logic, PoliticsAbstract
The article intends to develop the idea of immanent critique in Marx’s thought using Ruy Fausto’s studies on the logic of the notions of position and presupposition. First, I intend to show that the play between position and presupposition stands out in two interconnected senses, a logical-ontological and a specifically political one, which allows us to discern how critique operates in a normative sense not detached from effectiveness. In a second moment, I try to outline how the figures of position and presupposition intertwine, more specifically how the position creates a field of objective presuppositions that support its meaning in such a way that the critique is attached not only to the immanence of position but also to the immanence of presupposition.
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