The similarity of music with language according to Theodor Adorno: different meanings of the concept based on traditional music and new music




Adorno, Traditional music, New music, Complex of meaning, Similarity


This article investigates the conception of similarity between music and language in Adorno's musical aesthetics. Starting with a description and historical grounding of the concept, the main objective of this article is to defend that the concept is conceived in a specific way in traditional music (tonal system), on the one hand, and in new music, on the other hand. Therefore, we will argue that although the new music has rebelled against the concept, it would remain present in its structure, because, in the final analysis, it is a condition for the constitution of a fundamental element of music, namely, the complex of meaning.


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How to Cite

Andrade, L. F. de L. . (2021). The similarity of music with language according to Theodor Adorno: different meanings of the concept based on traditional music and new music: . Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 26(3), 13-26.