Dream, Downfall and History: the dreamlike critic of capitalist society in late Walter Benjamin’s texts
Dream, History, Capitalism, MaterialismAbstract
In this article, we study Walter Benjamin’s late writings, written between 1935-1940. Our thesis is that the concepts of dream, downfall and history are related to each other in an intricate way in late author’s thought. The structure of the text has two argumentative parts. The first, in the light of the books N and X of Passages and of the Exposé (1939), aims to examine in detail how Benjamin works with a renewed conception of dream departing from its insertion in material objects themselves. The second part focuses on certain passages of the theses On the concept of history (1940), in which we intend to give an account of a renewed combative conception of history and to investigate what is the task of the materialist historian for Benjamin.
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