Seeing and saying in “The order of things”: echoes of Nietzsche in Foucauldian archeology




Foucault, knowledge, interpretation, seeing, saying


This article begins with a possible strangeness that the book “The Order of Things: An Archeology of Human Sciences” by Foucault can provoke. Through an analysis of the preface of the book, we will try to overcome the strangeness, indicating a certain familiarity that the work seems to have with some theses already present in the philosophical tradition before Foucault, such as the thesis of knowledge as interpretation and that of the heterogeneity between seeing and saying, between words and things. Thesis that, as we know, are not strangers to Nietzsche who, therefore, influenced Foucault's thinking beyond the theme of power and genealogy.


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How to Cite

Noto, C. de S. (2023). Seeing and saying in “The order of things”: echoes of Nietzsche in Foucauldian archeology. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 28(03), 49-62.