The “Fragment”: Fichte’s First Answer to Jacobi’s “Letter”




Fichte, Jacobi, Nihilism, Quarrel over atheism


This article examines the aspects of the so-called “quarrel over atheism” between F. H. Jacobi and Fichte. In 1799 Jacobi writes the famous Letter to Fichte, in which the doctrine of science is designated as nihilistic. Special attention is paid to Fichte's unpublished response Rükerinnerungen, Antworten, Fragen (Recollections, answers, questions) and to the fragment of a letter to Jacobi and Reinhold. In this fragment, Fichte emphasizes the opposition between his philosophy and Jacobi’s philosophy, which corresponds to the opposition between the point of view of life and that of speculation. Although they are opposites, they can coexist with equal right as long as one does not try to legislate over the other.  


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How to Cite

Radrizzani , I. (2023). The “Fragment”: Fichte’s First Answer to Jacobi’s “Letter”. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 28(2), 89-96.