From Gestell to Deep Ecology: resonances of Martin Heidegger's thought in the contemporary ecophilosophical scenario
Gestell, technique, ecosophy, deep ecology, earthAbstract
The article discusses the impact of Martin Heidegger's (1889-1976) late thinking on the general lines of current ecological thought, which, in theory, would come close to the German author's criticism of the Gestell phenomenon. In fact, although in some aspects it is close and in others it distances itself from Heidegger's original project, this discussion resonates with some contemporary authors, such as Michel Maffesoli and Félix Guattari. In this sense, the work aims to demonstrate the extent to which Heidegger's criticism of the Gestell phenomenon has repercussions on this sphere of activity of Ecosophy, which, in general terms, seeks to rescue a multidimensional relationship (aesthetic-political-social-environmental) between the human being and the natural eco (oikos).
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