For a philosophy of the future in Ludwig Feuerbach




atheism, religion, anthropology, philosophy of the future, materialism


Is it possible to think of a Philosophy that breaks with metaphysical-religious ideals and brings materialism into its scope? It is in this perspective that we will think with the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach about his philosophy of the future. It is about showing how religion and the gods are nothing more than human creations and how these creations turn against their creator, making God a superior being and impoverishing the human being. In this sense, Feuerbach proposes a thought that takes into account materialism, the human community and nature, on the other hand, foresees the denial of religion, theological dogmas and all idealism.


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How to Cite

Machado, L. G. S. (2024). For a philosophy of the future in Ludwig Feuerbach. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 29(1), 13-29.