Natural Sciences and Anthropology in Didymus the Blind’s Commentaries on the Bible: a Possible Aristotelian Influence




Arius Didymus, Organon, ancient cosmology


This paper gathers from Didymus’ exegetical works (in particular from the lessons on the book of Psalms and on the Ecclesiastes) all significant testimonies concerning his knowledge of natural sciences and his anthropological doctrine. Based on these materials I will briefly discuss their possible sources, trying to answer following questions: a) What kind of Aristotelian doctrines can we recognise in Didymus’ statements concerning cosmology, biology and anthropology? b) Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that he had, beside the Organon, also a direct knowledge of other Aristotelian works? c) How important are methods and doctrines coming from Aristotle for Didymus’ exegetical practice?


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Como Citar

Zambon, M. (2021). Natural Sciences and Anthropology in Didymus the Blind’s Commentaries on the Bible: a Possible Aristotelian Influence. Revista De Filosofia Antiga, 15(2), 190-209.