Dialegesthai: fisiologia di un atto. Interazioni fra lessico medico e lessico filosofico fra V e IV secolo (Corpus Hippocraticum e Platone)


  • Roberto Lo Presti Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Silvio Marino Universidade de São Paulo




This paper investigates the interactions between some medical conceptions as we find them in thetexts of the Hippocratic Corpus and the Platonic dialogues. Through the analysis of some terms andconcepts common to ancient medicine and Platonic dialogues, this paper attempts to shed new lighton the semantic affinities of such concepts as homologia, dialegesthai, syngignesthai and syngenesin the Platonic and the medical texts, and tries to explain these affinities in terms of processualstructures underlying these texts. For the analysis of these texts shows that, both in Plato and in theHippocratic texts, these terms are semantically strictly connected and give rise to conceptualstructures that explain health and disease (in the body, in the soul as well as in the dialogue) aspresence or absence of homologia and syngeneia.


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Como Citar

Lo Presti, R., & Marino, S. (2011). Dialegesthai: fisiologia di un atto. Interazioni fra lessico medico e lessico filosofico fra V e IV secolo (Corpus Hippocraticum e Platone). Revista De Filosofia Antiga, 5(2), 1-41. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-9471.v5i2p1-41