Voice as Difference in Aristotelian Zoology


  • Marcello Zanatta University of Calabria, Department of Philosophy




Aristotle, zoology, method, animal life, soul, psychology, language


The Aristotelian treatment of animal voice reveals a significant wealth of philosophical issues and methodological approaches. The capability to emit voice, in fact, concerns different aspects of animal life, which Aristotle studies both from the point of view of the different aspects of the soul’s activity involved in phonation, and from the point of view of the bodily parts in control of voice emission and articulation. This paper attempts to provide a general survey of these issues.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Marcello Zanatta, University of Calabria, Department of Philosophy
    Marcello Zanatta is Associate Professor of the History of Ancient Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities of' University of Calabria, where he currently holds the position of professor of the same discipline. He was researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Parma, and Associate Professor of the History of Historiography Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities, University of Palermo.


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Como Citar

Zanatta, M. (2013). Voice as Difference in Aristotelian Zoology. Revista De Filosofia Antiga, 7(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-9471.v7i1p1-18