A Philosophical Solution to the Problem of Socrates


  • George Rudebusch Northern Arizona University
  • Christopher Turner DePaul University




Socrates, Laches, Ancient Philosophy


Socrates’ purposes, in his philosophical conversations with others, remain a puzzle. We review eleven distinct interpretive options, many of which stretch back more than a hundred years, finding all of them untenable.  We then propose an original, twelfth interpretation as the most faithful and charitable alternative.  Our discussion takes as its focus Plato’s dialogue Laches as a representative of the aporetic dialogues.


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Biografia do Autor

  • George Rudebusch, Northern Arizona University
    Professor of Philosophy
  • Christopher Turner, DePaul University
    Graduate Student in Department of Philosophy


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Como Citar

Rudebusch, G., & Turner, C. (2014). A Philosophical Solution to the Problem of Socrates. Revista De Filosofia Antiga, 8(2), 1-39. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-9471.v8i2p1-39