About the Journal
Scope and Policies
The journal physical therapy & research publishes original articles that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in physical therapy, rehabilitation, and related disciplines. The criteria used to analyze the articles include originality, relevance, methodological quality, and relevance in basic or applied areas. The journal is published quarterly, each with 4 fascicle per year. Submitted articles go through an initial checklist and posteriorly analyzed by the Editor-in-Chief, who determine the Associate Editor that, after their initial approval, will be submitted for review by two specialists with an academic doctoral degree and submissions related to the topic addressed in the article. The evaluation will be done in a double-blind method. In case of disagreement between the reviewers, the article will be sent to a third reviewer and/or editor in chief for consideration. Submissions not accepted will receive a letter from the Editor with justifications. If adjustments are suggested, the authors must pay attention to the deadlines requested by the journal, as failure to comply with them will be considered a waiver and the manuscript will be removed from the agenda of the journal. Approved manuscripts are published according to chronological order of acceptance.
The Articles are submitted for plagiarism verification using the iThenticate Similary Checkin two stages, initially after approval of the checklist and approval by the Editor-in-Chief, and after final acceptance.
Responsibility and ethics
The content, veracity and authenticity of the data presented, and the opinions expressed in the manuscript are the sole responsibility of the authors; plagiarism, self-plagiarism, verbatim or fraudulent data are not condoned; a complete list of references, funding and collaboration received must be presented.
Stands out that the submission of the manuscript to the journal Physical Therapy and Research (Revista de Fisioterapia e Pesquisa), implies that the work in its entirety or part(s) of it has not been published in another source or vehicle of communication and that it is not under analysis in another periodical for publication.
Regarding authorship criteria, the author of the manuscript is the one who presents a significant contribution to the research. Ethical conflicts will be addressed following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Authors must consult the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org)
and of the Committee for Integrity in Scientific Activity of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq (www.cnpq.br/web/guest/diretrizes) or of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (www.publicationethics.org).
Transparency in the use of AI
Authors using generative artificial intelligence must describe in the coverletter and manuscript how they used the tool, to ensure transparency and trust (COPE, 2023; ICMJE, 2023;). I recommend that a condition be created in the list of obligations that researchers need to mark (indicating compliance with the item) in the submission system (OJS, OneScholar, etc.) guaranteeing that there was no use of AI or that, if it was used, it was its use justified.
In submission, in the manuscript and in the final version, authors must make efforts to increase transparency in the use of GenAIs and provide as much detail as possible to enable some level of replicability of their application. This means including as many specifications as possible about the name and version of the AI tool (which in certain cases, such as ChatGPT, includes the date of the model version), date and time of the query.
Research articles involving human beings must provide, in the Methods section, the participants’ explicit agreement with the ethical research standards and the information received about the research via a free and informed consent statement. To be provided as well is the number of the approval report of the Research Ethics Committee. Studies carried out in Brazil must comply with Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health in Brazil on the Code of Ethics for Research in Human Beings and studies conducted outside of Brazil must be in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration.
Studies involving animals must explicitly provide the authors’ agreement with international ethical principles (e.g., Committee for Research and Ethical Issues of the International Association for the Study of Pain, published in PAIN, 16: 109-110, 1983) and national rules (Laws 6638/79, 9605/98, Decree 24665/34) that regulate animal research. The approval number of the Ethics Committee for Animal Research should be placed on the cover page.
For clinical trial, it is mandatory to present the clinical trial registration number on the cover page at the time of submission. The journal Physical Therapy and Research (Revista de Fisioterapia e Pesquisa) accepts any registration that satisfies the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (e.g., http://clinicaltrials.gov). The complete list of all clinical trial registries can be found at the following address: ttp://www.who.int/ictrp/network/primary/en/index.html. The use of the patients’ initials, names, or the numbers of their medical records should be avoided. Patients must not be identified by photographs, except through their written consent, which must accompany the original work at the time of submission.
The reproduction of previously published images or other third-party authorship elements must be accompanied by the copyright holders’ authorization for reproduction, otherwise, the authorship of the material will be attributed to the authors of the study.
The journal Physical Therapy and Research (Fisioterapia e Pesquisa) publishes, preferably, Original Articles, Articles of Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Methodological Articles, since Narrative Reviews will only be received when authors are invited by the Editors. In addition, it published Editorials, Letter to the Editor and Event Summaries as a Supplement.
There are no fees for submission, review, and publication of articles. The journal is published only in the electronic version.
Instructions to authors
The journal Physical Therapy and Research (Revista de Fisioterapia e Pesquisa) accepts scientific articles that present original and unpublished. Contributions to the construction of knowledge in physical therapy, rehabilitation, and health areas. In addition, the content of the articles must add knowledge and represent an advance for clinical practice, teaching and/or research in clinical practice in physiotherapy. The review process of all articles submitted to the journal is done by peers and begins with. The pre-analysis, conducted by the Editor-in-Chief, who will decide on the approval or rejection at this phasis.
Once approved in the pre-analysis, the text is sent to the Associate Editor, who forwards it to the reviewers in a double-blind method.
The journal uses the Turnitin software to identify similar texts. Texts that present similarities with others already. Published will be excluded from the process.
Submission fee
The Physical Therapy and Research Journal (Revista de Fisioterapia e Pesquisa) does not charge any fees for submission or publication.
Manuscripts submitted in Portuguese after acceptance must be translated into English (with translator certification)
After acceptance, manuscripts in English must be translated into Portuguese.
Publications types
Clinical Trials: CONSORT http://www.consort-statement.org/downloads and identification of Clinical Trials Registry validated criteria established by WHO e ICME- (http://www.icmje.org/).
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: PRISMA http://prisma-statement.org/PRISMAStatement/Checklist.aspx. Whenever possible, present the adopted concordance method for the analysis of included articles, for example, Kappa.
Observational studies: Include case-control, cohort and cross-sectional studies, following the STROBE statements (http://strobe-statement.org/index.php?id=strobe-home).
Case studies can be accepted if they describe specific and unique situations that justify their publication, with a brief literature review.
Structure and preparation of the manuscript
File format: doc or docx (MS Word).
Text: Official Spelling in A4 paper, single-spaced Times New Roman font size 12, including tables. Top, bottom, and side margins should be 2.5cm.
Title: Maximum of 18 words, only in the language of the manuscript, in bold, using capital letters only at the beginning of the title and proper names. Abbreviations, acronyms, or geographic location should not be used in the research.
Name of the authors: The full name of each author, without abbreviations, numbered by Arabic Numerals, with institution, affiliation, location, state, and country. Authors. Must indicate how to quote their name to be indexed in the databases and insert ORCID iD, email.
Institution: must follow hierarchy: University, Faculty and Department.
Corresponding author: Statement of name, mailing address, telephone, and email.
Manuscripts extracted from dissertation or thesis: must be indicated with an asterisk, in a footnote, the title, year, and institution where it was presented.
Summary and Abstract: It must be written in Portuguese and English and, if possible, in Spanish, with up to 1300 characters with space. The structure must contain:
Introduction, Objective, Method, Results and Conclusions, except for theoretical studies and for Clinical Trials, the registration number must be included at the end of the abstract.
Descriptors: Indicate from three to six descriptors that identify the main subject of the manuscript, separated by semicolons, and extracted from DeCS (Descriptors in Health Sciences), elaborated by BIREME or MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), elaborated by NLM (National Library of Medicine).
Main Document: A complete file must be attached containing all the information, described below and a blind copy file that must not contain any identification, whether authorship, institution, location or Ethics Committee or Registration number.
Text Structure: Cover page (full file only), Abstracts, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.
Cover Page:
Tittle in Portuguese (bold)
Tittle in English (bold)
Condensed title with a maximum of 50 characters with space (bold)
Full name of the authors, with subscript number referring to institutional affiliation and bond.
Contribution of each author to the manuscript
Registration of all the authors on ORCID (www.orcid.org)
Place where study was carried out
Indication of the funding agency, if there is
Indication of an eventual presentation at scientific event
Indication of the Ethics Committee approval number and clinical trial registration number, systematic review with CONSORT registration
Author’s full address, email, telephone number for correspondence.
Introduction: Brief definition of the studied problem, justifying the importance its importance and the knowledge gaps, based on national and international updated references.
Method: subdivide the section in the topics: Design of study; Population; Local; Selection criteria; Sample definition (if applicable); Data collection; Data analysis/and treatment, Ethical. Aspects.
Results: Presentation and description of the data obtained, with no interpretations or comments. It may contain tables, charts, and. Figures for enabling better comprehension. The text should complement or highlight what is more relevant, without repeating data provided in the tables or figures. The number of participants is part of the Results section.
Discussion: Should be restricted to the obtained data and achieved results, stressing new and relevant aspects observed in the study and discussing the agreement and divergences to other national and international published researches. It should indicate the limitations of the study and clinical relevance, if pertinent.
Conclusion or Final Considerations: Should be direct, clear, and objective, answering the hypotheses or objectives, and grounded in the results and discussion. Do not cite references.
References: Maximum 30 (except in review studies, depending on the search strategy and selection of study inclusion). Follow the proportion of 80% journal articles, with at least half of them indexed in the international databases. It is permitted a maximum of 15% of self-citation among those citable. Must count a DOI. Use “Vancouver” style, available in (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html). The tittles of journals should be abbreviated according to the: List of Journals. Indexed for MEDLINE (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/journals/online.html).
Citations of references in the text: Consecutively listed, in superscript Arabic numeral and between parentheses, without mention the name of authors (except those representing a theoretical background). When they are sequential, indicate the first and last number, separated by a hyphen, e.g., (1-4). When non-sequential, they should be separated by a comma, e.g., (1-2,4).
Figures: Table, Charts, and Figures, maximum five, should be mandatorily inserted into the body of the text, with no repeated information and with informative and clear titles. The tables should contain in their titles the location, state, country and year of the data collection (must be attached in separate files in the submission as indicated on the platform).
Graphs, flowcharts and similar should be editable, in vector format. Pictures, images, and others should have the final resolution. Of 300 DPI. Both can be colorful and have to be legible.
When not elaborated by the authors, all illustrations should indicate the appropriate source.
Acknowledgments: If applicable, it must be placed before the references.
Submission of manuscripts
Authors must send two files containing the manuscript (text + tables +. Figures), the first contains all the information requested in the items above and the second, a blind copy, where all information that may identify the authors or the place where the research was carried out must be excluded.
To submit the manuscript, the author must access the SciELO Homepage (http://submission.scielo.br/index.php/fp/login)