Effects of the Pilates method on lung function, thoracoabdominal mobility and respiratory muscle strength: non-randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial


  • Letícia Tiziotto de Jesus Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba; Graduação em Fisioterapia, Programa de Iniciação Científica FAPIC
  • Letícia Baltieri Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Cirurgia
  • Luana Gomes de Oliveira Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba; Graduação em Fisioterapia, Programa de Iniciação Científica FAPIC
  • Liliane Rodrigues Angeli Clínica Spazio Corpus Pilates. Piracicaba. SP. Brasil
  • Silvia Patrícia Antonio Clínica Fisiocap – Capivari (SP), Bras
  • Eli Maria Pazzianotto-Forti Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba; Programa de Mestrado em Fisioterapia e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Movimento Humano; Curso de Graduação em Fisioterapia




The Pilates method can be an effective tool for the physical therapist during rehabilitation, because it has varied benefits and few contraindications. Although widely practiced by the population, the literature is scarce about the benefits related to the respiratory system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the Pilates method on lung function, thoracoabdominal mobility, respiratory muscle strength and anthropometric characteristics in healthy women. This is a non-randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial with 21 volunteers, who were allocated for convenience in two groups: Pilates with 11 female volunteers, aged 33.18±8.08 years, subjected to the Pilates method twice a week for three months; and Control with 10 female volunteers, aged 31.70±7.39 years that remained three months without regular physical exercises. All of them were submitted to the anthropometric evaluation, physical activity Baecke questionnaire, spirometry lung function, thoracoabdominal mobility by cirtometry and respiratory muscle strength by measures of the maximum respiratory pressure obtained by means of a manovacuometer. All volunteers were evaluated prior to insertion in the groups and revaluated after three months. In the Pilates group, there was significant increase in recreational physical activity, total of the physical activity questionnaire, mobility in the three levels (axillary, xiphoid and abdominal) of the respiratory, inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength, and significant reduction in waist circumference (WC) (p<0.05) after three months of intervention. However, except for leisure physical activity and total of the physical activity questionnaire, when compared, significant differences were not detected between groups (p>;0.05). As to the lung function, significant differences were not detected (p>;0.05) in the groups and between them. It is concluded that, after the practice of the Pilates method, there was improvement in leisure physical activity, thoracoabdominal mobility, respiratory muscle strength and waist circumference reduction, however, in comparison with the control group, the Pilates method did not show relevant changes in pulmonary function, thoracoabdominal mobility, respiratory muscle strength and anthropometric characteristics in healthy women that did not perform physical activities.


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How to Cite

Effects of the Pilates method on lung function, thoracoabdominal mobility and respiratory muscle strength: non-randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial . (2015). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 22(3), 213-222. https://doi.org/10.590/1809-2950/12658022032015