Relation of plantar pressure and range of movement of the lower limbs with the risk of falls in older women


  • Mayara Luca Vareschi Lopes Universidade Norte do Paraná. PR. Brasil
  • João Paulo Manfre dos Santos Universidade Norte do Paraná. PR. Brasil
  • Karen Barros Parron Fernandes Universidade Norte do Paraná. PR. Brasil
  • Fernando Raphael Pinto Guedes Rogério Universidade Norte do Paraná
  • Rosemari Queiroz de Freitas Universidade Norte do Paraná. PR. Brasil
  • Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires-Oliveira Universidade Norte do Paraná. PR. Brasil



The aim of this study was to verify the influence of plantar pressure and range of motion of hip, knee and ankle variables with the risk of falls in older women. Thirty-nine older women participated, for which Maximum and Medium Pressure were evaluated using the baropodometry platform. Then, we performed the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and subsequently the range of motion (ROM) evaluation of hip and knee flexion and dorsal and plantar ankle flexion through the use of a goniometer. Baropodometric variables (Maximum Pressure and Medium Pressure) showed a tendency to influence the values of the TUG according to the value of the hypothesis test (P = 0.051), demonstrating a moderate correlation (R = 0.487), with emphasis on the Maximum Pressure showing significant correlation with the TUG (P<0.005). However, the joint range of motion of hip, knee and ankle showed no significant correlations in the baropodometric variables and in the risk of falls. Concerning the analysis of the association between the TUG classified with low and medium risk of falls with the falls, no differences were found (P=0.475). The increase in maximum pressure showed a relation with the risk of falls, though the range of motion of hip, knee and ankle showed no relation to the risk of falls and the baropodometric variables in the researched population.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Relation of plantar pressure and range of movement of the lower limbs with the risk of falls in older women . (2016). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 23(2), 172-177.