Risk factors of arm lymphedema after breast cancer: a literature review


  • Anke Bergmann Centro Universitário Augusto Motta; Grupo de Pesquisa em Fisioterapia
  • Inês Echenique Mattos Fiocruz; Ensp; DEMQS
  • Rosalina Jorge Koifman Fiocruz; Ensp; DEMQS




Breast neoplasms^i2^scomplicati, Lymphedema, Risk factors


Arm lymphedema is one of the most frequent sequelae of breast cancer treatment. The purpose of this literature review was to discuss main risk factors of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment. The search in Medline and Lilacs databases, by means of key words breast neoplasms, lymphedema, upper extremity, arm, and risk factors, allowed selecting 26 studies published between January, 2000, and March, 2008. This review discusses factors linked to: clinic and the patient (smoking, education level, race/ethnicity, comorbidity, hypertension, diabetes, menopause, age, weight, body mass index, physical activity, handedness, impaired range of motion, infection, seroma and arm injuries); breast cancer treatment (type of surgery, breast reconstruction, number of axillary lymph nodes removed, level of axillary surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, tamoxifen treatment, and time-span after axillary lymph node dissection); tumour (size, grade, location, node status, number of positive nodes and stage of the tumour). This review shows that the axillary surgery, axillary radiotherapy and obesity are important risk factors of lymphedema.


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How to Cite

Risk factors of arm lymphedema after breast cancer: a literature review . (2008). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 15(2), 207-213. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1809-29502008000200016