Neurodevelopmental surveillance of children participating in the STD/AIDS program


  • Aline Duprat Ramos Hospital Pronto Socorro João XXIII
  • Rosane Luzia de Souza Morais Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri; Departamento de Fisioterapia



child development, risk factors, environment, child, HIV infections


Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is an effective way of preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. However, further studies investigate the effects of short and long term exposure to HAART in-utero and its consequence on child neuropsychomotor development (NPMD). The paper presents a report and discussion of results of an extension project whose objectives were to verify the NPMD of children participating of the STD/AIDS program, to orientate families according to their socioeconomic context and make referrals to specific health services. The NPMD surveillance was divided into three parts: (1) ambulatory evaluation; (2) home evaluation and orientations; (3) reporting health managers. DENVER II and PEDI tests were used and also a socioeconomic questionnaire. Fifteen children were on the program of which 12 uninfected, 1 HIV+ and 2 indeterminate. Twelve children were evaluated and the most impaired domain were language, personal-social and fine motor, respectively. Regarding to socioeconomic status, 73,3% were E level and 58,3% of mothers were analphabet or had primary school. Children born of infected mothers, besides the biological risks, usually are exposed to environment/social risks that can affect the NPMD. Thus, monitoring by a team of health professionals, in partnership with the child's family, becomes an important tool for identification and early intervention.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Neurodevelopmental surveillance of children participating in the STD/AIDS program . (2011). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 18(4), 371-376.