Adverse effects of electrothermal phototherapy in clinics in the city of Cascavel – PR
Electric Stimulation, Diathermy, Ultrasonic Therapy, Low-Level Light Therapy, Physical Therapy ModalitiesAbstract
This study aimed to identify the main adverse effects observed by physical therapists using electrothermal phototherapy devices in clinics in the city of Cascavel, Paraná. The sample comprised 35 clinics, of which 25 were submitted to data collection after sorting. Data were collected through questionnaires in the form of semi-structured interview. In these questionnaires, the responsible for providing the electrothermal phototherapy service were asked about the occurrence of adverse effects experienced during labor activities at the clinic. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) showed problems in 64% of cases, being 36% due to skin irritations and 28% due to pain. The shortwave apparatus showed adverse effects in 60% of cases, of which 40% consisted of complaints of pain and 20% caused minor burns. Regarding therapeutic ultrasound, adverse effects were reported in 52% of cases, of which 32% were episodes of pain and 20% of nausea. The low-power laser therapy showed adverse effect on 36% of cases, with reports of increased local sensitivity. Finally, the medium frequency devices had adverse effect in only 20% of cases, being complaints of nausea. The amount of such effects found was important, but their gravity did not cause major concern.
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