Use of didatic movies as resource to teach-learning of the myofascial massage technique
Physical Therapy Modalities, Massage, Learning, Teaching Materials, EducationAbstract
The effect of demonstrations and instructions using a movie as complement in the teaching-learning process of technical skills of myofascial massage was evaluated (MM). This is an experimental, double-blind study, with the participation of a physical therapist professor and 60 physical therapists who took the MM course (blind to the objective of the study). The course lasted for 15 classes, using the Massoterapia Clínica book and lectures for group A (n=30). The same material and a didactic movie were proposed for group B (n=30). The book describes and illustrates the maneuvers and the movie demonstrates them in a practical way. At the end of the course, a treatment simulation was filmed and evaluated, then repeated after two months to verify retention. Participants answered a questionnaire on their satisfaction with the course. The footage was assessed by two physical therapists. The aspects evaluated were: pressure, patient positioning, physical therapist positioning, number of maneuvers per muscle, location, direction of the maneuvers, number of repetitions of the maneuvers and the hand segment used. Each item was scored as 1: Totally inadequate technique; 2: Technique with great failure; 3: Technique with small failure; 4: Satisfactory technique; and 5: Completely adequate technique. Results: Intraclass correlation analysis confirmed data reliability and showed differences between groups in the ability of applying MM, with better learning and retention by group B (p<0.05). In addition, the use of a movie reduced the duration of classes by one-third. It was concluded that the movie instructions completed traditional resources with advantages for learning and retention.
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