Functional evaluation of the movement: incidence of dynamic knee valgus in bodybuilders and sedentary women




Physical Therapy Specialty, Knee Valgus, Movement


Movement evaluation is important and necessary to identify the risks of injury, enabling the elaboration of preventive and corrective exercise programs, aiming to improve the performance of functional activities and consequent well-being. This study aimed to analyze and compare the incidence of dynamic knee valgus in bodybuilders and sedentary women, as well as to identify the pain symptoms and the potential for injury associated with this biomechanical change. Sixty women were divided into two groups: bodybuilders and sedentary, aged 18 to 30. Data collection consisted of Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the data were subjected to descriptive and inferential analysis. A total of 60% of sedentary women had dynamic knee valgus, with a predominance of bodybuilders (33.3%), showing an association between dynamic valgus and sedentary lifestyle (p<0.03). There was no association between pain and dynamic knee valgus (p>0.06) for both groups. 50.0% women and sedentary had a FMS score below six points, representing a high risk of injury. It is concluded that sedentary women are more predisposed to dynamic knee valgus, as well as greater pain symptomatology and greater risk of lower limbs injury.


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How to Cite

Functional evaluation of the movement: incidence of dynamic knee valgus in bodybuilders and sedentary women. (2019). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 26(2), 120-126.