Assessment of respiratory muscle strength in adult choir singers and non-singers




Maximum Respiratory Pressures, Singing, Breathing


A good musical performance requires singers to have high respiratory system skills since the respiratory muscles produce an increase and decrease in the rib cage during singing. Our research aimed to verify and compare the respiratory muscle strength of adult choir singers and non-singers. This is a cross-sectional study consisting of individuals between 18 and 45 years of age, of both sexes, sedentary and non-smokers, distributed between two groups: choir singers (GC; n=23) and non-singers (GNC; n=23). Both groups were evaluated for inspiratory (maximal inspiratory pressure - MIP) and expiratory (maximal expiratory pressure - MEP) muscle strength through a manovacuometer. Individuals in the GC showed higher values of MIP (p=0.049) and MEP (p <0.001) when compared to the GNC. Moreover, MIP values were identified as having a moderate magnitude of effect and power (d=0.56; power=0.59), whereas MEP values had a moderate magnitude of effect and high power (d=0.77; power=0.82). This difference in MIP and MEP measurements between GNC and GC was also observed regarding values of the predicted percentages (p<0.05). From the analyzes performed, one can conclude that adult choir singers have greater inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength when compared to non-singers.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Assessment of respiratory muscle strength in adult choir singers and non-singers. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 27(4), 370-376.