Mobile application: physical therapy interventions in frail elderly




Mobile Aplications, Geriatrics, Frail Older Aduslts, Physical Therapist


The aim of this study was to build and
validate an algorithm and develop a software for the multidimensional diagnosis of functional clinical vulnerability and physical therapy for older adults. This is an analytical
and observational study applied in technological production, based on software engineering and user- entered design. The algorithm was developed based on studies in health
databases, validated by 13 physical therapists and the software was built using the JAVA language from the
algorithm’s conversion. The Delphi technique and statistical analysis via the Content Validity Index (CVI) were used to validate the algorithm. The consensus was reached in the first evaluation round and the agreement between judges by the CVI was 1.0. The “Gerontofisio” mobile application was
built for use on smartphones and tablets and registered at the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property number: BR512020002269-3; the application consists of 34 screens
that guide gerontological physical therapists in decision making, serving as a support tool in the applied fields in
health, health administration, illness, medical assistance and diagnostic therapy. The algorithm was built and validated, the mobile application software for the multidimensional
diagnosis of clinical functional vulnerability and physical therapy treatment in older adults was developed and is valid in the field of physical therapy and should contribute
to physical therapists and older adults.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Mobile application: physical therapy interventions in frail elderly. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(2), 220-229.